Fantasise Earth Zero, surgery FEZ, is a new courageous put across to introduction in North The States. FEZ comes to us through a partnership between Square Enix and Gamepost USA. What is FEZ? Rule out in WarCry's exclusive Q&A with Sheloman Richard E. Byrd and Nicholas Niers. Read happening!


Hello! Thanks for taking the time to speak with WarCry. Please introduce yourself and give us your development downpla.

My name is Sheloman Byrd, and I work in Business concern Development and Marketing for Gamepot USA, previously worked on MapleStory, KartRider,and other projects for Nexon America from September 2006 to May '09.

Nicholas Niers, Operations Section, previously worked on Albatross18, BBTanks, and Conjure Online from March '08 to October '09 for OgPlanet.

How did the partnership between Gamepot and Square Enix occur?

Sheloman: Well, we were partners already in Japan for Fantasy Terra firma Nil, and its one of our best titles thither. The gameplay and emphasis on PvP made it a prime choice for USA to bring here, and we worked with the play gods terminated at Squarely Enix to make that a world.

Was Fez to begin with developed by Square Enix? How long ago?

Sheloman: FEZ was originally developed by Fenix Spongy, which Square Enix owns, the innovative firing was in 2006. For Gamepot, we re-released information technology as a Free to Play game in 2007, and it's been a hit ever since.

For those strange with Tarboosh, what can you tell us about the game's release account?

Sheloman: For Gamepot, we re-discharged information technology as a Free to Bring off game in 2007, prior to that, it was a part of Square's PlayOnline service. We've added a host of new things to the game-new classes, etc, indeed IT's always evolving. It's been released in Japan, China, Taiwan, and from each one release has seen players give way love with the systems, combat, and addictiveness of the gameplay. Good games transcend barriers, and we'Ra hoping it will do the homophonic hither.

Does FEZ induce an active fan groundwork in Nihon? How much musician input is solicited?

Nicholas: Very such indeed. We actually wait tournaments and the likes of over there for the back, A well as our own festival. Player input is valuable, as they're the ones playing. If it's not fun for them, you have to dea that. We're a company of gamers, so we run to view that a little differently, we coiffure our best to respond to everything. Of course, that doesn't include requests like: "Make my class uber plz".

What is the background and setting of the refer "Fantasise Terra firma Zero in"?


Sheloman: Fantasy is the theme, Earth is the setting-none aliens, etc, and Zero is how much information technology costs to play. In a funny coincidence, Zero is also the amount of battles you'll win without teamwork…The game is set in Melpharia, which is a vast realm of 5 kingdoms. Each Kingdom is led by a disparate King, and each one of those Kings has an ideal that they think is best. Then, for different reasons, each realm has declared war. Soldiers are unpaid to choose a Rex, no more class is locked to a land or anything like that. Thus, the soldiers' experiences and their skirmishes are what tell the story. It's a alone tailspin on tradition-we have acknowledged the backdrop, the players leave determine the feed.

How important is the overarching story to FEZ?

Nicholas: Sheloman touched on this a second a endorse ago, simply while there are quests, the veridical story is the evolving war of the players inside their kingdoms. We have voice acting pitch for many an, many situations, so when each King speaks, helium's reacting to the current nation of the war that you determine through battles. War e'er changes, and then will they. Your own character will cause the Rex to react in a predestinate way as well.

What classes and races are to comprise included in FEZ?

Sheloman: We have 3 classes at the consequence: Scouts, Warrior, and Mages.

Nicholas: And within those classes are specializations-if you're a Scout, you can dual-wield dagger and use a Bow, Warriors can utilise claymores, handed, two-handed brand, shields; Mages handle some pretty crazy elemental attacks, fire, ice, lightning…

Sheloman: And you can permutation during a battle-if you need hit an opponent with arrow, whip up out your bow. Soul acquiring close? Dagger time. It's an adaptive engagement system, and it goes very fast. Race-wise, everyone is human, but there's different looks that everyone can have…

Which of the above is your personal loved and why?

Sheloman: Mages. Because listening to "Mount the Lighting" patc big whatsoever unfortunate person a jolt of same lighting is awesome.

Nicholas: Scout. Nimble, quick, and good for many situations.

Are in that respect to be any mounts in FEZ? If so, what are they?

Nicholas: Sort of. In that respect aren't whatever mounts in FEZ only there are summons that players can use by collecting crystals and using them to transform. The summons a player hind end economic consumption are a Giant, Knight, Chimera, and a Wraith. Each is good for dissimilar situations.

Explain the quest system please.

Nicholas: Recovered, the quest system is pretty straightforward. Most quests actually are how you attain destined skills-equal transformations/cite, there's an extra item you need to acquire to activate those forms. The quest system is by desig set-adequate to resubmit into the War-settled gameplay.

The FAQ indicates that Fez will be "free to bet". Will FEZ feature a cash mall? What types of items are to equal enclosed in IT? Which are your favorites?

Sheloman: 100% free to wreak. Nothing crazy sold in the Cash Shop like a DoomBlade Bringer of Last-ditch Pandemonium for the low, low price of $14.99. It's free, and will stay that way. We'll reveal more all but the Cash Shop ulterior, for now, we want players focused happening the game.

What will the tied cap cost in Tarboosh? How long would you estimate it would take a player to reach the cap?

Nicholas: 40 is the level cap and by my guess at 4 hours a solar day, maybe 3 – 5 months for an average instrumentalist.

Sheloman: Think of levels as a mean to begin attainment points. Past the mid-20s, you should have a pretty good host of skills available, getting to that is about a week or sol. After that, let loose. The level give you more approach to skills, and when you actually learn new ones beyond the first set, you'll really know what you're doing.

What many MMO players complain almost is the "grind". How much "grind" is up to your neck in Tarboosh in order to get one's character to the level cap?


Saint Nicholas: You can joy, then. Fantasise Earth Zero is mainly a PvP mettlesome where exp is distributed at the end of a Kingdom vs. Kingdom war. Players do have the alternative to "grind" on mobs only it is non necessary to charge. The other part is that the levels don't needfully weigh to the point of absurdity. A adept player will be always be a good addition, unheeding of equal.

Will there adequate challenges for graduate-level players?

Nicholas: Yes, there will be a challenge for higher level players because all war is unequalled and the game is supported strategy and science.

Sheloman: High level PvP, especially with the strategy elements we have is extremely exciting. I love death-game content as very much like anyone, however, the best way to really provide that is to propose a unaccustomed undergo every time. The very nature of PvP takes care for of that-especially because your kingdom counts on you to deliver your C. H. Best-throw in the stat-tracking we'll feature, and you have an addicting experience.

What would you estimate the learning breaking ball leave Be for new players to FEZ?

Nicholas: The learning curve for early players to get the basics of the game is about 1 – 2 hours. This is accomplished in a teacher that guides you through elemental controls and the grassroots elements of the state of war. Even though you will get word how to toy the game in a short metre, it takes clock time to master Fancy Earth Nothing.

Sheloman: Low. The game is WASD-native, and supports the 360 for Windows restrainer, so its' pretty friendly.

Please excuse the battle system.

Nicholas: You have cardinal castles, an army of players in each. The PvP scales from 5v5 to 50vs50, and then if you want a smaller, grudge-oppose character of battle, you bottom have single. So to start, you'll have to mine crystals to create obelisks. Think giant quartz glass towers. These lucubrate the regions you control and can frame in. At the point where each kingdom's Obelisks play, nobelium further territory can cost gained, and that's where the action begins, and you battle the other army to destroy their obelisks. This damages their castle, and they'Re trying to do the same to yours. Once you relieve territory, you receive a wrong boost.

While the front line decimates each otherwise, you'll see structures appear-such as a Gate of Hades to summon a Wraith, a instrumentalist-based summon. An enemy player might become a Knight, which is strong against summons, or a Gargantuan to take out the Obelisks to stop your territory. And at that point, the conflict escalates into controlled chaos. The Wraith striking everything it can, the Knight attempting to kill the Wraith while Giants rain shank-fire upon every structure they see, patc the players mine crystals, defeat their opponents, and adjust to the chaos-and while this is happening, you will hear the distinct voice of your king, giving status updates. All of this unfolds with you in the middle, and an larger-than-life, symphonic theme driving you to winnings. The war ends when one castle is destroyed, and ace side gains that territorial dominion.

Sheloman: Within that battle, remember you can also switch your class based skills-warrior-hybrids, mages using ice, then fire to keep their foes off-balance, stuff like that. It's really immersive.

What makes the PvP organization in Fez unique?

Sheloman: Imagine a field of honor where you move and react quickly, your King is giving you voice updates, and your friends are all all over the place. You mustiness economic consumption your crystals wisely, as the enemy can summon at any present moment-only so can you. Within that organized topsy-turvyness, is a clear scheme that must be executed to winnings the conflict, which leave change depending on the flow of the engagement. That type of dynamic gameplay with process, structures, sixfold classes and resource-management all with a fast-paced battle system is what testament thrust Fez to the top of the mountain. It really is a unique experience.

Is FEZ engaged more to the hardcore player or the casual participant? What are the best features for for each one type?

Nicholas: Both honestly, information technology's not intimidating at all, sol once you learn the controls and experience a a few wars, you force out keep playing. We have low entry and fun gameplay for more casual players, and addicting gameplay for the PvP and natural action junkies-which of course, includes stat-tracking.

Sheloman: I'd add to that by saying that a guild that uses teamwork will e'er beat a team that doesn't, so when two skilful guilds play…watch out. Then we're talking a hardcore experience like no other.

What is your favorite in-game area or PvP battleground? Describe it to us and include a screenshot delight.

Nicholas: Daytime fights. In that respect's a bridge near this area, and you can get knocked off, and continue the fight in the water, heavenward the lots…

Sheloman: Night Strike. The thrill of walking over the horizon and sighted an entire battlefield of giants, spells and arrows, and every player doing something different below near totality nightfall gets me every time.

FEZ has just been announced for North America. Will on that point be closed and/Oregon susceptible beta? If so, how does an concerned party get involved?

Sheloman and Nicholas: Open Beta.

Sheloman: You john sign up at hypertext transfer protocol:// Ohio, and you tin can win stuff if you go sign up early, around stuff ilk a gaming laptop, G19 keyboards, video cards…

When behave you anticipate FEZ being discharged into the Northeastern Dry land market?

Sheloman: Q1 2010, and we are sticking to IT. 🙂

What have been the most difficult selling aspects to bringing FEZ from Japan to N America?

Sheloman: Honestly, it's been a fair smooth process. Square gets information technology, the localization aspects weren't that heavy.

Has anything been changed for Northland North American country localization principle?

Sheloman: A couple of things really. Plainly, all of the text is in actual West Germanic language, and all of the sound playacting has been local as well.

St. Nicholas: We have also feature different customization options, and a few otherwise things we'll bring out as we beat closer to dismissal.

Please let in any other information you feeling apposite.

Sheloman: FEZ Rocks. One 50 vs. 50 outing wish rest whatsoever doubts about the game. Also, I'm a big sports fan of spirited music, thusly hearing the soundtrack was very nice for ME-anyone who's played Final Phantasy 12 or Final Fantasy Tactics is going to love the music.

Nicholas: Definitely, also, don't be afraid to bring together our forums and verbalise up! We want to hear feedback!

Thanks to Nicholas and Sheloman for their input! We'll keep you posted with all the FEZ newsworthiness!